
Our Specialty

You are entering the fabulous world of Russia -
miraculous and still mysterious to many foreigners, full of cultural and historic treasures, beautiful and unspoiled nature and motherland to industrious, bright and hospitable people.

Our main goal is to make your trip to Russia a flawless one.

We are here to help on all travel arrangements and convert your plans to an unforgettable experience.

River Cruises

Explore Russia by Rivers

Rail Tours

Cross the Entire Eurasia

Specialty Tours

Amazing Russia Tours

RUSSIA is not only a country of vast expanses-
it's a UNIVERSE. 


Office 1002,
Oxlynn Centre,
315 Lynnwood Road,
Menlo Park, 0081
Gauteng, South Africa

Contact Details

Phone: 012 362 0598
Email: [email protected]